The Port of New York and New Jersey remains fully operational to facilitate the movement of cargo locally, regionally and nationally. Supply chain fluidity remans a priority  of the Port in order to  continue providing essential goods to stores and homes as well as critical commodities to support the healthcare system. During the COVID-19 crisis,  the health and safety of all front line personnel also remains a core priority. The entire port stakeholder community continues to pursue enhanced protocols and follow established health guidelines. As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, planning to mitigate potential supply chain impacts is another key area of focus. The Port ofRead More →

Thanks to the hardworking men and women of the Port of New York and New Jersey, over 53,000 containers were delivered to the Port’s customers last week.  Critical store shelves are being restocked daily and we expect another strong week. Keeping the Port of New York and New Jersey fully operational is a shared priority of both our public and private sector partners.  While efforts are being made across the country to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, both the Federal Government through the Department of Homeland Security as well as the Governor’s of New York and New Jersey have affirmed that the maritimeRead More →

The Port of New York and New Jersey is open and operating under normal conditions amid the unfolding health crisis associated with COVID-19.  Our supply chain partners from the marine terminal operators and longshore labor to truckers and warehouse and distribution center operators are working hard to help sustain our economy and support the 28 million consumers in the local region that are dependent on the Port during this difficult time. The Port is coordinating with our federal, state and local partners, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other emergency andRead More →

On Monday, July 16th, the Port of New York and New Jersey’s Port of Newark Container Terminal (PNCT) unveiled its new state-of-the-art gate system which optimizes the customer experience and creates a more efficient flow. Through technological enhancements including optical character recognition (OCR) devices, upgraded weigh in motion machines, heightened security measures allowing for TWIC proxy reads; trucker turn times will be reduced by more than 25%. This strategic effort is a part of a much larger $500 million expansion plan focused on enhancing the capabilities of the terminal. The launch of the new gate system completes the first step in the expansion and increasesRead More →