For the third consecutive month, total volume at the Port of New York and New Jersey topped 700,000 TEUs, but that’s not the only impressive achievement. In May, the port also soared to the number one spot in the country for total TEUs and total loaded TEUs.  May’s total volume reached 790,758 TEUs (439,593 containers), a 16.9 percent increase from the 676,311 TEUs (376,449 containers) recorded in May 2023. This double-digit increase marked the sixth consecutive month of year-over-year volume growth and brought our year-through-May total to 3,501,676 TEUs (1,940,869 containers), making the Port of New York and New Jersey the second-busiest cargo port inRead More →

In April, the Port of New York and New Jersey kept its robust pace for the year so far, moving a total of 709,469 TEUs (396,517 containers), a 9.4 percent increase compared to the same period last year. The port’s year-to-April cargo volumes totaled 2,710,918 TEUs (1,501,276 containers).   Imports (TEUs) were also strong in April, totaling 349,792 TEUs (196,960 containers) compared to 320,948 TEUs (179,138 containers) in April 2023, a 9 percent increase. From January through April, imports at the Port of New York and New Jersey rose by 13 percent, reaching 1,378,123 TEUs (766,120 containers). Imports were 1,219,385 TEUs (679,336 containers) in the sameRead More →

The Port of New York and New Jersey ended the first quarter of 2024 with a surge in volume, posting the most significant gains of the quarter and surpassing 700,000 TEUs for the first time in 2024. Total volume reached 701,648 TEUs (386,868 containers), a 22 percent increase from the 574,452 TEUs (321,103 containers) posted in March 2023. This increase in volume is due to manufacturing restarting overseas following the Lunar New Year holiday. This number brings the port’s first-quarter total to 2,001,449 TEUs (1,104,759 containers), a 12 percent increase from the same period in 2023.  Imports (TEUs) rose by 23.5 percent in March totalingRead More →

After seeing the horrific images out of Baltimore, it was the first thought that popped into Bethann Rooney’s head: “What can we do to help?” It was early Tuesday when the Port Authority’s port director helped to unleash a series of measures up and down the East Coast aimed at keeping the regional supply chain running smoothly after the Port of Baltimore, one of the nation’s busiest ports, went offline. At the Port of New York and New Jersey, that help is taking many forms. For one, the port is helping to move additional cargo offloaded from ships that already stop here. Just 24 hoursRead More →

The Port of New York and New Jersey posted gains in total volume, imports, exports, rail, and autos in February 2024, making it the second-busiest February in its history. Total volume for February included 632,455 TEUs (349,792 containers), which represents a 10.7 percent increase compared to the 571,177 TEUs (316,792 containers) recorded in February 2023. So far this year, the port moved a total of 1,299,801 TEUs (717,891 containers).  Imports rose by 15.2 percent in February, accounting for 332,241 TEUs (183,665 containers) versus 288,314 TEUs (159,748 containers) recorded the previous February. From January through February, the Port of New York and New Jersey imported 675,031Read More →