The leadership team at the Port of New York and New Jersey will be attending the TPM25 Conference at the convention center in Long Beach, CA., March 2-5. The global conference, where the Port of New York and New Jersey is a Silver Sponsor, brings together cargo owners, shippers, and BCOs with international logistics service providers, including ocean carriers, ocean and air forwarders, third-party logistics, marine terminals, ports, truckers, railroads, and banks. This year’s theme—Finding Reliability in an Unreliable World—focuses on the industry’s uncertain future under a new government, the potential impacts on containerized trade, and how shippers and other market participants can prepare forRead More →

In the shipping world, 2024 taught leaders to expect not just the unexpected, but the inconceivable, unprecedented and unbelievable. “Just as you think there’s nothing else that can go wrong and you’ve experienced it all, we get hit with something that we never even thought about in our wildest dreams,” said Bethann Rooney, the port director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, at the agency’s annual State of the Port event held in Newark, N.J., at the start of 2025. It had been a tumultuous year that saw a labor disruption for East Coast and Gulf ports, the temporary closure ofRead More →

The summer of 2013 was a breaking point for the Port of New York and New Jersey. “It was like Armageddon,” said Bethann Rooney, port director at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. “It was the worst cargo congestion we’ve ever seen.” The compounding causes – technological difficulties, a labor shortage, and lingering effects of Hurricane Sandy – couldn’t be fixed by any single entity at the port. It led Rooney, then the manager of port security, to propose something unprecedented for that time: truly linking the supply chain in ways it never had been before. The idea proved to be aRead More →

You’d be forgiven if you thought the last few years in the shipping world felt more like a white-knuckle roller coaster ride than a smooth voyage at sea. But as over 200 regional supply chain leaders came together at the Jersey City waterfront for the 2024 State of the Port of New York and New Jersey, the message was clear: The seaport has emerged stronger after these few years of the unexpected. “It is clear that the state of the Port of New York and New Jersey is strong,” said Port Authority Executive Director Rick Cotton with myriad of harbor activity as his backdrop. “WhatRead More →

On Nov. 20, Bethann Rooney, port director at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hai Phong, Vietnam, solidifying a close collaboration aimed at growing trade between the two ports. The visit, led by Mr. Le Tien Chau, Secretary of the Hai Phong Party’s Committee represents an opportunity to promote cooperation between the Port of New York and New Jersey and partners in Hai Phong to support bilateral trade and investment between the United States and Vietnam. Hai Phong is the largest port city in Northern Vietnam and one of the most important industrial hubs of theRead More →