Starting Thursday April 20th, GCT Bayonne will require appointments for all transactions between 6:00 and 10:00 AM.
Incoming trucks should take note that no queuing will be allowed before 9:45AM.
GCT Bayonne rolled its Truck Management System (“appointment system”) on Sunday, January 15, 2017 following an extensive period of development, testing, and outreach with the drayage community. Jointly funded and developed by Sustainable Terminal Services, Inc., a consortium of the port’s six marine terminal operators, the system fulfills a pivotal Tier One Recommendation of the Port of New York and New Jersey’s Port Performance Task Force. It aims to meter truck arrival rates while keeping resources for all stakeholders operating at maximum levels, decreasing truck turn times, and adding a level of consistency for each trip. GCT Bayonne is the first of the Port of New York and New Jersey’s six constituent marine terminals to implement the Truck Management System. Other terminals are expected to online the TMS in the future.
The initial roll out took place on a limited basis. The move to require reservations for all transactions between 6:00 and 10:00 AM embodies the second phase of the roll out. Additional hours will be added to the system once the capacity from 6:00 until 10:00 has been fully utilized.
Positive results are already being realized. During one of the most recent test periods, a 38% lower turn time was experienced over transactions that occurred after the test period that same day. The new appointment system should continue to improve productivity and terminal capacity while reducing the number of trouble tickets/transactions, and decreasing emissions.
The new system covers all types of transactions (import, export, empty, reefer), and each driver’s appointment will be specific to the transaction(s) he/she would like to make. The system is based on the yard density and capacity in each location rather than simply metering trucks through the gate. This feature makes the system unlike its counterparts deployed elsewhere around the globe, and is expected to bring about greater efficiencies.
Reservation windows run for a full hour with a half hour grace period on either end. For example, an appointment to pick up container 00LU123456 scheduled from 0700 – 0800 would allow the trucker to arrive between 0630 – 0830. Since truck traffic will be metered into the terminal, the system is expected to accommodate single moves in 45 minutes and a double move within one hour. Reservations can be cancelled at any time, and modifications can only be made during the reservations window, which is currently Monday thru Friday 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Drivers’ reservations will be activated when they arrive at GCT Bayonne via a read of their truck’s RFID tag. If the truck does not have a valid reservation or the license plate/RFID association is invalid, the trucks will be directed out at the security checkpoint.
The reservation system can be accessed by registered users at
Customer Service is available to support any application issues such as a trucker’s registration by calling 1-866-758-3838.
GCT has also established its own Customer Support Desk to handle individual reservation or transaction specific questions, which is available via 201-706-4242 or [email protected].
A series of You Tube videos with instructions on how to make appointments for each type of transaction (i.e. MT in/Import Out, Export In/MT Out, etc.) as well as FAQ’s and a comprehensive users guide is available on the PortTruckPass portal, at GCT’s website, and at
Truckers are reminded to obey all traffic laws including compliance with “No Parking” and “No Standing” requirements in the areas near the terminal.