The Port of New York and New Jersey moved 55,595 containers by rail in February 2020, a 12.2 percent increase over the previous year. This number marks a February best for rail cargo at the Port.
February was also a good month for total volume at the Port of New York and New Jersey. A total of 579,124 TEUs (326,370 lifts) were posted in February compared to 585,216 TEUs (332,484 lifts) the previous year. The 1.0 percent decrease in total volume represented the second-best February on record at the Port, bringing the yearly total to 1,196,148 TEUs (675,566 lifts).
Imports (TEUs) rose by 1.8 percent in February compared to the previous year, totaling 301,759 TEUs (169,599 lifts) versus 296,500 TEUs (168,301 lifts) in February 2019. Imports for the first two months of the year reached 626,403 TEUs (353,296 lifts) compared to 624,861 TEUs (353,707 lifts) during the same period of 2019.
February exports (TEUs) at the Port totaled 277,365 TEUs (156,771 lifts) compared to 288,716 TEUs (164,183 lifts) in February 2019, a 3.9 percent decrease in TEU volume. Exports for the first two months of 2020 reached 569,745 TEUs (323,270 lifts) versus 582,886 TEUs (332,151 lifts) in the same period of 2019, a 2.3 percent decrease.