On Saturday, April 27, 2019, the Port of New York & New Jersey and representatives from Taiwan-based global shipping company Yang Ming celebrated a new milestone—the arrival of Yang Ming’s first Ultra Large Container Vessel on the East Coast. The company’s operations team, led by Wenjin Lee, Senior Executive Vice President of Operations, joined the Port Authority of NY & NJ’s Rado Saragih, Manager, Outreach, BCO and Industry Relations, to recognize this inaugural occasion.

Built in 2015, the YM World sails under the flag of Hong Kong and has a container capacity of 13,892 TEUs. The ship, which was carrying more than 12,000 TEUS from Asia, is under the command of Captain Manoj Mathew and his 22-member crew. GCT Bayonne was the ship’s first port of call in its U.S. East Coast rotation.
The Port of NY & NJ is the busiest port on the East Coast and the third busiest in the nation. After a year of record growth in 2018, the Port has seen an increase in the number of vessels making the Port of NY and NJ their first call.