March 2015 volumes at the Port of New York and New Jersey beat volumes logged in the previous month by 25.5 percent (with 559,264 TEUs handled in March 2015 compared to 445,285 TEUs handled in February 2015). March 2015 volumes also compared favorably to the same month in the previous year. The port handled 484,339 TEUs in March 2014, creating a 15.5 percent boost from this perspective. Port officials say these gains were driven largely by import loads, which rose 23 percent year-over-year to 287,777 TEUs, and export empties, up 28.6 percent year-over-year to 145,436 TEUs. ExpressRail also set a record. The Port Authority’s ship-to-railRead More →


The strengthening economy, re-routed cargo from the West Coast, plus shifting trade routes and business trends have bumped overall cargo volumes more than 10 percent at the Port of New York and New Jersey for the first two months of the year. January volumes rose 7.8 percent over the previous year while February volumes increased by 13.8 percent. For the same two months, the port logged a 15.9 percent increase in total lifts via ExpressRail, the Port Authority’s dedicated rail system. Vehicle traffic rose as well, with 67,345 vehicles calling the port in January/February 2015 compared to 48,532 for the same two months in 2014Read More →